Addiction touches the lives of families and for children living with its effects, there is hope. Rising Hope offers education and resources to break free, find healing, and create a future filled with love and possibility.
Sign up for the Book Release
Leanna’s upcoming book is an intimate and heartfelt exploration of the complex relationship between a daughter and her father, shaped by love, addiction, and forgiveness. It’s a story about finding hope in the darkest moments, letting go of resentment, and learning to heal. Leanna reflects on how to support loved ones struggling with addiction without losing yourself in the process, and the difficult realities of relationships that can become toxic and dangerous. The book also includes powerful letters written by her father from prison, sharing his deepest fears and desires, free from the grip of addiction. This book is for anyone who has faced similar struggles and is searching for a way to move forward with love, resilience, and understanding. Sign up now to be the first to know when the book is released and to receive exclusive updates along the way.
About Rising Hope
Families affected by addiction feel alone, in the dark, and scared that each day is the last their loved ones will make it. Finding glimpses of hope was something Leanna relied on to get her through.
Rising Hope is a resource dedicated to helping individuals navigate the complexities of addiction, offering support for both the challenges and the healing that comes with it. Rooted in Leanna Olbinsky’s personal journey of overcoming a childhood shaped by addiction, Rising Hope provides the tools and guidance to break free from the cycle of trauma. Through love, forgiveness, and the process of healing, Rising Hope is about finding hope in the darkest moments and showing others that it is possible to move forward with resilience. With practical advice, personal stories, and resources for building emotional intelligence, setting boundaries, and finding inner strength, Rising Hope offers a path for those who want to find peace, free themselves from resentment, and live a fulfilling life—no matter the struggles they’ve faced.